License Renewal

Information and videos on renewing your Sybiz software's license

Why does my license need renewing?Renewing your Sybiz software's license

Your Sybiz software is designed to be registered annually. Annual registration enables us to:

  • provide you with the benefits of SybizCover
  • keep your contact information up to date and ensure you receive all necessary information you are entitled to
  • monitor unauthorised installations

When does my license need renewing?

The login window of Sybiz Vision and Sybiz Visipay displays your current license expiration date and time remaining until your license needs renewing. 

For customers using Sybiz Vision Classic, in the weeks prior to your license expiring you will receive a notification each time you log in to your software informing you of the days remaining until your license needs renewing.

How do I renew my license?

Finalise your SybizCover payment. To pay by:

  • credit card, phone us with your credit card details
  • EFT or cheque, complete the remittance advice section on your invoice and return it to us

Please allow up to 2 business days for us to confirm your payment has been made. 

Please note you can complete your SybizCover payment and unlock the software at any time. You do not need to wait until the software is locked. If you have not completed your SybizCover payment before your license expires, you will have limited or no access to the software until the payment and unlock request has been processed.

Renewing Sybiz Vision and Sybiz Visipay

On the Login window, click Licensing then click Request/Renew License. If your company’s details are displayed, please check they are correct and make any changes required. If they are not displayed, please enter them and then click Submit. 

If your PC is not connected to the internet, or your internet settings disallow this option, you will need to contact Sybiz to request a license file. The video below explains how to import this file.

If you have any further questions please contact Sybiz on AU: +61 8 8130 7000 or NZ: +64 9 973 4940.


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